To support the continuity of student learning at Reservoir Views Primary School, the following resources contained in the Foundation, Grade 1/2 and Grades 3 to 6 pages are available to our families.
Students should also continue to complete 10 - 20 minutes of home reading each day.
Below are some websites and literacy and numeracy resources (thanks to Donald at William Ruthven Primary School for sharing)
Victorian Department of Education and Training: Learning from home
IXL English: Online English skills to practise
From phonics and reading comprehension to writing strategies and more.
https://au.ixl.com/elaIXL Mathematics: Online mathematics skills to practise
Helps students to gain mastery and fluency of essesntial skills.
https://au.ixl.com/mathScholastic: Learn at home
Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going. Keep kids reading and thinking.
https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.htmlAustralian Government: Learning potential
Select from a range of learning tasks that may interest your child.
https://www.learningpotential.gov.au/age-group/primary-schoolnRich: Problem solving tasks
These tasks are linked to the UK curriculm (which is very similar to the Victorian Curriculum)
General literacy and numeracy tasks
Victorian Department of Education and Training: 201 Literacy and numeracy ideas (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/201_literacy_maths_tips.pdfNational Council of Teachers of English: Book report ideas (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/book_report_ideas.pdfQ-Matrix resources
Use these resources to take turns, with your child, in asking/answering questions about a text that he/she is reading.
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0zOFyX22soHelping your child with counting (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/parents_count_too_helping_your_child_with_counting.pdfHelping your child with mental calculations (PDF)
Build basic number fact knowledge
Addition and subtraction number fact wheel template (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/addition_and_subtraction_wheel_template.pdfHow to make an addition and subtraction number fact wheel
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK3dWX3RplsMultiplication and division number fact template (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/multiplication_and_division_wheel_template.pdfHow to make a multiplication and division number fact wheel
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_tTj1kcowMAddition, subtraction, multiplication and division games (PDF)
https://www.williamruthvenps.vic.edu.au/uploaded_files/media/addition_and_subtraction_wheel_template.pdfWhy children have difficulties mastering the basic number fact combinations and how to help them (PDF, Article)
Instructional guides for helping your child with the four operations
Addition: Introduction to the concept using materials
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwcr9KQ8te0Addition: Traditional Method Guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jszsw66zE6USubtraction: Introduction to the concept using materials
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtyxR-t2FpESubtraction: Decomposition Guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmK_zDVVJoo
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRyL32l3NmU
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwi7dNJiGcMMultiplication: Expanded Notation Method guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__KLd8eJpvEMultiplication: Traditional Method guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0skOnba1oDivision: Chipping Away Method guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM2W6J6aQdcDivision: Reading the Whole Number Method guide
YouTube clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU8QaTok0z0