Our school has partnered with an independent provider TeamKids to provide Before, After Care and Holiday Care services to our school community.
The program services the children in the school from 7:00am in the morning until 8.45am and operates from 3:30pm each day until 6:00pm. During school holidays the service will operate from 7:00am until 6:00pm.
Families wishing to use this service can visit the TeamKids RVPS page: https://www.teamkids.com.au/venues/reservoir-views-primary-oshc
Families are also eligible for a Government rebate which reduces the cost per session.
Further information can also be obtained by contacting the school or ringing TeamKids on: 1300 035 000 or email: email@teamkids.com.au
The FUN begins at TeamKids – the perfect choice for families seeking exceptional Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services. Your child’s needs are met all year-round with our Before, After and Vacation Care programs.
What's the TeamKids Difference?
■Delicious & Nutritious Food
■Epic Events
■Full-Time Director of Service
■Fun Zones
■Screen Free Fun
■TeamKids Clubs
■Term Challenges
You can find out more, register or book at teamkids.com.au today!
We strongly recommend that all children are enrolled in the Out of School Hours Program in case of an emergency.